Home Remedies For Varicose Veins That Really Work

12 Feb

Varicose veins are twisted and enlarged veins, usually found on legs. Excessive pressure on the veins, especially when standing and sitting, is the main reason for the enlargement of these superficial veins, but heredity also seems to have a major role.

Since legs are the farthest extremity from the heart, it requires extra effort to pump the blood up the veins in the leg and back into the heart against gravity. This is done by the calf muscles.

There are paired valves in these veins to prevent backflow of the blood, but as the veins lose their elasticity and become dilated, these valves fail. This results in blood getting pooled in the veins, causing them to twist and bulge out.

Varicose veins are seen more often in women and in people who have to work in a standing position for long hours. Pregnancy and obesity worsen the condition since they put extra strain on the legs. Unless accompanied by pain, severe itching, ulceration, or eczema, varicose veins are often considered merely a cosmetic problem.

Occasionally it could be associated with another serious condition called deep vein thrombosis, in which case, immediate medical intervention may be necessary.

Uncomplicated varicose veins are usually treated by either surgically removing them or destroying them with lasers or injection of chemicals. But these harsh treatments can be avoided by using some of these effective home remedies. The main focus of these remedies is to strengthen the walls of the blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Ways To Treat Varicose Veins With Effective Home Remedies

Applying uniform pressure on the legs with specially designed compression stockings is a tried and tested remedy for varicose veins. Loss of elasticity of the blood vessels and their consequent enlargement reduces the efficiency of the venous valves trying to stem the backflow of blood.

The gentle, yet consistent pressure compresses the veins, reducing their diameter. This helps the valves to work more effectively to prevent the backflow. The additional support for the venous walls facilitates the smooth flow of blood, reducing the risk of stagnation and blood clot formation.

When used at the initial stages of varicose veins, compression stockings can stop the progress of the condition, or even reverse it. Several types of compression garments available, but you should always seek medical advice to find out what type is best suited to your condition.

How to cure varicose veins with the help of tomato

12 Feb

You might have read many articles about the varicose veins and the efficient methods of Russian folk medicine for their treatment. Now, we will introduce another effective recipe for the treatment of this ailment.

Most people are familiar with the beneficial properties of tomatoes, but not everyone is familiar with the fact that you can cure varicose veins with the help of tomatoes.

There are two ways of healing the varicose veins using green and red ripe tomatoes.

The treatment of varicose veins with green tomatoes

Green tomato is a simple home remedy that can be used in the fight with varicose veins.

It is necessary to wash a few green tomatoes and cut them into slices (or rings). Put the slices of green tomatoes on the nodes of varicose veins and the vein capillary network.

If necessary, tie some bandage. Keep the tomatoes at these locations until you feel a tingling sensation on the skin.

Reduce the Appearance of Spider Veins with Tomatoes

Spider veins, also known as varicose veins, are dilated veins that have become inflamed. They’re easily noticeable under the skin and can be a real beauty problem for both men and women.

Most people try to find a solution to this condition due to the negative impact it has on their appearance, as they’re noticeable in different areas of they body.

What few people realize is that they can also indicate potential health problems as they’re a sign of poor circulation that can be accompanied by other symptoms like heaviness, pain and fatigue in the legs.

Spider veins, also known as varicose veins, are dilated veins that have become inflamed. They’re easily noticeable under the skin and can be a real beauty problem for both men and women.

Most people try to find a solution to this condition due to the negative impact it has on their appearance, as they’re noticeable in different areas of they body.

What few people realize is that they can also indicate potential health problems as they’re a sign of poor circulation that can be accompanied by other symptoms like heaviness, pain and fatigue in the legs.

Because they’ve been used in cuisine for so long, their high nutritional content is no secret. However, many people are not aware of the properties that make them useful in alternative treatments and few imagine them as a health aid.

In the case of spider veins, they’ve earned a special place as their seeds contain an acidic substance with properties similar to aspirin, which works as an anticoagulant, improving blood flow.

What causes varicose veins on legs?

12 Feb

What causes varicose veins on legs? Believe it or not, but it won’t be long before you start thinking about wearing shorts. But many people hesitate at baring those calves because of varicose veins, or unsightly and swollen veins in the legs. Varicose, or spider veins, are more than just a cosmetic problem though. They can lead to swelling, discomfort and fatigue, especially for folks who spend a lot of time on their feet.

Science Life recently spoke to vascular surgeon Robert Steppacher, MD, about what causes varicose veins, who is most at risk and why treating them isn’t all that different from wearing yoga pants.

Varicose and spider veins are the same disease process, it’s just a matter of severity and size. Spider veins are small blue or red veins under the skin. They’re called spider veins because they look like a spider web, and a lot of patients will find those unsightly.

Varicose veins are larger, more dilated veins. We have a grading system, and we make the cutoff based on size. So spider veins would be smaller, like 1 to 3 millimeters, where varicose veins are larger, and they typically bulge out above the skin level.

What causes varicose veins?

They’re both caused by the same thing, which is called venous hypertension, chronic venous insufficiency or venous reflux disease. Those three terms are used interchangeably, but they all basically mean the same thing. It’s increased pressure within the vein because of a failure of what’s called the venous valvular system. So normally you have to have a way of getting blood, against gravity, out of your legs and back to your heart.

The way that works is every time you take a step, the calf muscles contract, and that squeezes on the veins in your leg and pumps the blood out of your leg back to your heart. When you relax, gravity wants to pull the blood back into your leg. To prevent that from happening, in normal veins you have a valve that looks like a little triangle.

Every time you take a step, the valve pops open, the blood exits the leg, and then when gravity wants to pull the blood back in the leg, the valve snaps shut. For various reasons like family history, weight, having jobs where you sit or stand for long periods of time, these valves stop working, and that allows gravity to continuously pull the blood back into the leg. This causes pressure on all the superficial veins, which causes them to dilate over time and grow larger.

Varicose veins develop as blue and purple sinuous lines under the skin. Varicose veins are found on the calves and shins, thighs and feet. Not a technical term, spider veins can appear anywhere on the body but are generally found on the arms, stomach, back, face, neck and buttocks. With an appearance of broken glass or a non-uniform spider web, varicose and spider veins affect between 50 and 55 percent of women and 40 to 45 percent of men.

Spider veins and varicose veins have different causes. Varicose veins are caused by valve failure in the veins, while spider veins are caused by the rupture or hemorrhage of a blood vessel or vein. While varicose veins can only appear on the legs, spider veins can appear almost anywhere on the body.

Beautiful Skin Tips: 3 Tips to Get Perfect Skin

10 Jul

With age, the skin begins to lose elasticity, moisture and smoothness.

Age is a major factor of the loss of the beauty of the skin.

However, this process is accelerated by free radicals that enter the body through food, toxins and UV rays that cause changes in the skin cells and lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and age spots.

Here are tips that you can get the perfect skin and can retain moisture and elasticity:

1. Antioxidants Topical (Topical Antioxidant)

Antioxidants are specific chemicals that can fight free radicals. Antioxidants can be taken so that the help of the body, but can also be used as an applied topically to cure skin cells are damaged.

Aloe vera or aloe vera contains polysaccharides and glycoproteins. When these compounds contact with the skin, the compound will stimulate growth and repair of skin cells.

Aloe vera is used for burns and other skin irritations are efficacious pain relief and anti infllamasi.

By applying fresh aloe vera gel on the skin every day will provide support for the skin cells to repair the damage. Topical antioxidants include vitamin A (retinol), vitamin E, and vitamin C.

2. Clean the skin with the Right

Cleaning the skin regularly is an important aspect of skin care.

Washing your face will remove dirt and other contaminants that are harmful, but make sure you only use gentle soaps and cleansers.

Bathing is a daily routine, but it steam or hot water can remove the oil from the skin surface. Wash with warm water and limit bath time only to 15 minutes.

After bathing, dry your body with a gentle clap her towel on the skin, avoid rubbing a towel on the skin.

Patting movements will help retain moisture, thereby reducing dryness.

3. Keeping Skin Hydration

Extreme weather, hot or cold, will make the skin lose moisture. Skin can become dry, wrinkled, or other skin abnormalities appear.

Keeping the skin moist will maintain skin elasticity and strength. After drying off after a bath, apply a natural moisturizer on your skin.

For extreme dry skin, apply baby oil to the dry areas of the skin when the skin is still damp after a shower.

In addition to treating skin moisture from the outside, you also have to compensate hydrate the skin from the body. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water every day.

Exactly How To Overcome Bad breath

3 Jan

Bad breath or halitosis medical term tooth is an odor arising from the bacteria in the mouth. The main components of the bacteria that cause bad breath are hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans. Causes of bad breath include:

  1. The existence of tooth supporting tissue disease
  2. The flow of saliva is less
  3. Improper fillings
  4. Excessive accumulation of bacteria on the tongue
  5. Denture that is not clean
  6. The rest of the food contained in the gum pockets
  7. Presence of systemic disease
  8. Consumption of certain drugs
  9. Indigestion

The things you can do to prevent bad breath are:

1. Brushing teeth with proper technique and optimal fluoride toothpaste, and brushing the tongue.
2. Using an antibacterial agent for oral cavity, namely chlorhexidine mouthwash (but should not be used in a long time on an ongoing basis).
3. Stimulate the flow of saliva by eating plenty of fibrous fruits and green vegetables, plenty of mineral water to consume, or can use baking soda mouthwash.
4. Reducing consumption of sugary foods and drinks between meals main, to prevent cavities can cause bad breath.
5. Routine inspection and cleaning at Dental tartar.
6. Improving dental fillings are not good Dentist.
7. Perform dental fillings in teeth cavities.
8. Reducing bad habits, such as smoking.
9. If you have certain systemic diseases or digestive disorders, you should immediately consult a competent specialist doctor, for immediate treatment.

Finally, you have to reduce eating food stimulates your bad breath as this habit. If you really want to eat them preferably after eating foods that cause odor (such onions), you should rinse, brush your tongue and brushing your teeth, or it can chew xylitol gum to stimulate saliva.

Another option you can eat green vegetables, carrots, mint leaves, bread, or drink green tea. So the bad breath caused by food can be reduced or lost.

Washer Eyes – Tips to Make Wash Eye of Rose Water

10 Nov

Rose water is made from a combination of rose petals and water to extract the essential oil of roses.

Rose water can be used as a cooking ingredient, as a perfume, and is useful to alleviate dry eyes and sore.

While the rose water is generally available in stores, you can make yourself at home as well as to save costs.

Here’s how to make rose water can be used to wash the eyes and relieve dry and irritated eyes.

1. Boil one cup of water in a saucepan. Cover the pan so rapidly boiling water.

2. Once the water is boiling, reduce heat.

3. Add 10 dried or fresh rose petals into boiling water and leave for 10 to 20 minutes or until half the water has evaporated.

Rose can learn from their own garden or buy in the store.

4. Filter the water rose and place it in a clean container. Let the water rose until it is completely cool before using it.

5. Use the pipette to wash the eyes with rose water.

6. Use rose water within three days. Rose water is stored for more than three days would lose benefits.

Beautiful Skin Tips: 5 Benefits of Rose Water for Skin

10 Nov

Rosewater (rosewater) is a useful antiseptic to maintain and care for the skin.

Rose water also has antibacterial properties that help combat skin problems.

Here are some of the benefits of rose water for skin:

1. anti aging

Rose water helps fight the signs of aging and protect skin from wrinkles and inflammation.

2. smoothes skin

Natural cleaning ingredients of rose water into a powerful composition to fight acne.

The content of rose water can also tighten and reduce the size of the pores, making the skin look younger and smoother.

3. Prevent skin diseases

Rose water helps maintain the skin’s natural pH balance so that they can fight against various skin diseases and eczema.

4. Skin Oil Balancing

Sebum production can be offset by using rose water. This applies to people with oily skin or dry skin.

5. Cleaning the skin

The antibacterial properties of rose water can clean the skin thoroughly yet gently.

Soft rose water to prevent damage to the skin when cleansing your face every day.

Creating Masks of Natural Aloe Vera

10 Nov

Aloe vera (aloe vera) good for sensitive skin.

Aloe vera can be used as a key ingredient for facial mask or relieve sunburned skin damage.

Here are tips to make natural facial masks with the main ingredients of aloe vera:

1. Prepare the necessary materials. You will need aloe vera juice, aloe vera gel and rose essential oils. Be sure to buy and use pure ingredients, not synthetic.

2. Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe juice, 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel, and 2 drops of rose essential oil into a small bowl. Combine all ingredients until evenly mixed.

3. Apply the mixture with a cotton ball on the face, neck, hands, or other body parts that you want. This mask is very useful for skin burnt by the sun.

4. Let stand for 5 to 7 minutes. The content of aloe vera and rose essential oils will help stimulate healing and softening the skin.

5. Clean the mask with warm water. Dry the skin with a dry towel and clean. Use a good quality moisturizer afterward.

Tips to Make Facial Cleansing Mask of Cucumber

10 Nov

Mask facial cleanser (facial cleansing mask) can help remove excess oil from your face and rejuvenate the skin by providing essential nutrients and vitamins.

Although many face mask options available in stores, you can also make a mask at home facial cleanser.

Besides being able to make mask cleaning in large quantities, you can also save money.

Here are tips to make cleaning face mask of cucumber:

1. Peel the cucumber and split into two parts. Dispose of cucumber seeds with a spoon. Cut the cucumber into small pieces.

2. Mix the cucumber with a cup of oatmeal in a plastic bowl.

Oatmeal is used to help peel off dead skin layer (exfoliates the skin), while efficacious cucumber soften and provide vitamins and minerals to the skin.

3. Add 1 tablespoon of yogurt into a mixture of 1 tablespoon of cucumber and oatmeal. Yogurt helps absorb excess oil from the skin.

4. Spread the mixture evenly on the face and leave for 30 minutes.

5. Rinse the cleaning of the face mask after 30 minutes. Dry your face with a clean towel.

6. Save the remaining mixture of cucumber and oatmeal mask that has not been used in a sealed container and put it in the fridge. The mask will last for one week.

Face Beauty Tips: 8 Steps Make Face Masks of Carrots

10 Nov

Face mask (facial mask) is great for the skin as it helps nourish and moisturize the skin.

One of the best materials to make a face mask is the carrot. Carrots have a high content of beta carotene and can be converted by the body into vitamin A.

Vitamin A is very good for the skin and helps fight wrinkles (wrinkles).

Face masks of carrots can be made at home. Materials and how to make it not too difficult too.

Here are tips and how to make carrot facial mask at home:

1. Fill a medium saucepan with enough water, and put it on the stove.

2. Boil water until boiling, then add 3 large carrots into it.

3. Simmer until carrots are tender.

4. Discard the remaining water in the pan, then mashed carrots.

5. Add the carrots that have been pounded into a bowl, add 4 1/2 tablespoons of honey.

6. Stir the two together until evenly distributed.

7. After that, apply the mixture on the face and leave on for 10 minutes.

8. After 10 minutes, rinse your face with water to remove the carrot facial mask to clean. Dry with a dry towel and clean.